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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Launch –

Dear Mr Scott Morrison,

While I wholeheartedly agree with your policy of alerting neighbourhoods to criminals, I feel targeting asylum seekers is setting the bar too low.

I suggest we start with a real criminal class: politicians.

Politicians are 45 percent more likely to serve a jail sentence than your standard garden variety asylum seeker.

For example, a former Minister for Corrective Services, sentenced to 10 years for bribery could go on the register. The child molester pollies are already registered, but we can always expand to bribery, drug offences, attempting to pervert the course of justice, perjury, corruption, extortion, misappropriation of public funds etc.

And I agree with you, we shouldn't limit the register to people who have committed crimes.

The next time someone like Eddie Obeid buys some land, we'll know to watch the mining rights and buy nextdoor. He's been incredibly lucky in that way.

You also mention lack of English skills as being a prerequisite for the register. Mr Morrison, we couldn't be in higher accord! A study has found the speaking skills of Australian politicians to be "embarrassingly poor".  Everyday Australians can now give pollies tips on articulation, musicality and tonality. Thank you for this suggestion!

Next time you want to suggest treating asylum seekers like criminals, check out the Racial Discrimination Act 1975

Just in case you didn't know racial vilification is subject to criminal prosecution Mr Morrison.
People in glass houses really shouldn't throw rocks.

All the best with your register. Don't forget to add your name to
